
This contribution summarizes the current state in the photochemistry of metal nitroprussides, which is dominated by the electronic structure of the nitrosyl group. From the combination of p orbitals of the nitrogen and oxygen atoms in the NO+ ligand, a π*NO molecular orbital of relatively low energy is formed, which has π*2px and π*2py character. This is a double degenerate orbital. When the nitrosyl group is found coordinated to the iron atom in the nitroprusside ion, the availability of that low energy π*NO orbital results in light-induced electronic transitions from the iron atom dxy, dxz and dyz orbitals, 2b2 (xy) → 7e (π*NO) and 6e (xz,yz) → 7e (π*NO), which are observed at 498 and 394 nm, respectively. These light-induced transitions and the possibility of NO isomer formation dominate the photochemistry of metal nitroprussides. In this feature paper, we discuss the implications of such transitions in the stability of coordination compounds based on the nitroprusside ion in the presence of water molecules for both 3D and 2D structures, including the involved degradation mechanisms. These photo-induced electronic transitions modify the physical and functional properties of solids where the nitroprusside ion forms part of their structure and appear as an opportunity for tuning their magnetic, electrical, optical and as energy-applied materials, for instance. This contribution illustrates these opportunities with results from some recently reported studies, and possible research subjects, even some not explored, are mentioned.

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