
Link for citation: Raudina T.V., Smirnov S.V., Istigechev G.I., Pokrovsky O.S. Photochemical transformation of dissolved organic matter and behavior of metals in the waters of the southern taiga bog complex, Western Siberia. Bulletin of the Tomsk Polytechnic University. Geo Аssets Engineering, 2023, vol. 334, no. 9, рр. 182-193. In Rus. The relevance. Dissolved organic matter is one of the largest biologically available sources of carbon in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and its dynamics are critical to local and global carbon cycles. Destruction of organic matter during migration determines the biological cycle of elements and their stability. Important processes that lead to the transformation or removal of the dissolved organic matter are bio- and photodegradation. To date, enough research has been carried out to study the composition of humic substances, forms of metals, and the processes of migration of organo-mineral compounds in natural waters of the taiga zone, Western Siberia. Work is underway to study the dissolved organic carbon bioavailability, but the mechanisms of its photochemical transformations in different seasons of the year have not been studied. At the same time, photochemical mineralization of dissolved organic compounds largely regulates the biogeochemical cycles of elements by changing their bioavailability, the intensity of carbon dioxide emission from surface waters into the atmosphere, and the removal of dissolved trace elements through precipitation and coagulation. The main aim is to assess changes in the chemical composition and the rate of the dissolved organic matter and dissolved metals removal in the waters of the southern taiga bog complex (Western Siberia) under the sunlight exposure on a spatio-temporal scale. Objects: soil waters within different bog landscapes (open sedge-sphagnum fen, tall ryam (pine-shrub-sphagnum phytocenosis with high pine trees), and waterlogged mixed forest) of the Bakchar bog complex located in the southeastern part of the Ob-Irtysh interfluves, the Vasyugan plain. The waters were taken at a depth by digging a pit (40´40 cm area, 40 cm depth), which allowed the surrounding gravitational water to fill it up to the depth of 10–20 cm. The sampling took place during two field period in 2020 (June and October). Methods. pH, water temperature, specific conductivity (Cond) and dissolved oxygen were measured using a multiparameter instrument (WTW MULTI 3430 SET). The dissolved organic carbon was measured by a high-temperature thermic oxidation method using a Shimadzu TOC-LCPN analyzer, with an uncertainty of 2 %. The absorbance was measured at wavelengths up to 800 nm, 1 nm step using quartz 10 mm cuvette on a Cary-50 spectrophotometer. Major cations (Ca, Mg, Na, K), Si, and trace metals were determined with an ICP-MS Agilent CE 7500 with In and Re as internal standards and three various external ones. In the photodegradation experimental design, we followed the methodology which is sunlight exposure of sterile filtered (0,2 μm) samples in quartz reactors in the outdoor pool. Results. The authors revealed the influence of photodegradation on the qualitative and quantitative composition of dissolved organic substances and the behavior of metals in water samples of bog landscapes of the taiga zone of Western Siberia on spatiotemporal scales. It was established that from 3 to 30 % of the dissolved organic carbon can be removed from soil water under the influence of sunlight with maximum values in early June. At the same time, in autumn, despite the decrease in the amount of solar radiation, the photodegradable DOC can also reach 10–12 %. In general, there is a decrease in the percentage of the dissolved organic carbon loss in the waters in the row fen>ryam>forest. The dissolved organic carbon removal can be associated both with the transition of a part into an inorganic form, and with the destruction of high-molecular organic substances. A significant change (p<0.05) in the optical parameters is noted, which is consistent with the behavior of the dissolved organic matter during photolysis. In addition, under the influence of insolation, the transformation of organo-mineral compounds occurs, which leads to a change in the forms of metals. The greatest losses relative to control were observed for rare earth elements (Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd), as well as Ti, V, which in some cases reach 70 % (more significant in fen waters). These trace elements show behavior similar to dissolved organic carbon, Al and Fe, which confirms the importance of organic and organo-Fe-Al-colloids determining the behavior of most elements in acidic waters with a high content of organic matter.

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