
AbstractThis work investigates the synthesis of ZnO nanoparticles, cobalt (Co)‐doped ZnO, and Activated Carbon (AC) ‐Co doped ZnO via green precipitation technique. AC developed from lotus stems and precipitated by lotus leaf extract. Comprehensive structural, optical, and morphological investigations by FT‐IR, XRD, FE‐SEM, EDX, HR‐TEM, UV‐DRS, PL, and XPS studies are used to characterize the photocatalysts. The ZnO nanoparticles are shown to have a hexagonal phase by XRD examination. The results of the FT‐IR analysis proved that specific chemical bonds exist in the ZnO, Co−ZnO, and AC−Co‐doped ZnO nanocomposites. FE‐SEM images revealed spherical morphology with aggregated, randomly distributed particles with an average size range of ZnO, Co−ZnO and AC−Co−ZnO are 59.55, 42.55, 41.16 nm. The band gap energies of ZnO, Co ‐ZnO, and AC−Co‐ ZnO, are found to be 3.10, 2.57, and 1.94 eV, respectively. Rhodamine B is used as a model contaminant to assess the samples under UV‐light driven photocatalytic effectiveness. The photocatalytic degradation efficiency (%) of the pristine ZnO, Co‐doped ZnO, and AC−Co‐doped ZnO catalysts are increased to 61.76, 74.86, and 91.46 % after 140 minutes of under UV‐light irradiation. Degradation rate constant (k) of the AC−Co−ZnO photocatalyst is found to be greater than that of pristine ZnO and Co−ZnO. Due to the synergistic effect of the AC and Co metal dopants and the spherical morphology of the AC−Co−ZnO sample, which boosted UV‐visible light absorption with reduced charge carrier recombination, resulting in outstanding photocatalytic activity. The study also investigated the bioactive effect of the samples on six bacterial species, revealing that the AC−Co‐doped ZnO nanocomposite has the most enhanced inhibitory effects against gram‐positive and gram‐negative bacteria. Consequently, medical wound dressing materials which helps to promote early healing by preventing microbial contamination.

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