
Very high-lying vibrational levels of the 1g∼1 1Πg electronic state of K2 have been observed in a photoassociation experiment using an ion detection scheme. The photoassociation measurements have been treated together with laser induced fluorescence data recorded by Fourier transform spectrometry to construct a pointwise potential curve for this electronic state. Several vibrational levels were observed by both techniques, so the dissocation energy can be deduced without extrapolation, from the sum of binding energies measured in photoassociation and vibrational energies established with respect to the potential minimum (defined by the fluorescence data), giving De=1290.292±0.002 cm−1 (1 standard deviation). The potential curve reproduces over 2000 term values (up to v=138) with a root mean square error of 0.0025 cm−1. Nevertheless, small differences are found between the rotational constants generated from the potential curve and the effective rotational constants deduced from binding energy measurements at very high v. The smoothness of the outermost part of the pointwise potential energy curve has been investigated through fits to a Hund’s case (c) asymptotic model.

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