
Light is a limiting factor in plant establishment and growth in the understory of forests. In this paper, we assessed acclimation capacity of Siparuna guianensis, an early secondary successional species. We used seedlings and saplings in three regeneration areas with different irradiance regimes to determine the traits that confer photoplasticity. We examined whether these traits differ at different developmental stages. Anatomical characteristics, photochemical efficiency, photosynthetic capacity, and growth were analyzed. Multivariate component analysis revealed the formation of six clusters: three for seedlings (one for each regeneration area) and three for saplings (following the same pattern of seedlings, considering the area). Increased irradiance favored photosynthetic performance, independently of the developmental stage. The same trend was observed for most data on chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence and the ratios of net photosynthetic rate/intercellular CO2 concentration (P N/Ci) and P N/PPFD. No parameter indicated photoinhibition stress. The CO2− and light-response curve data indicated that seedlings were already acclimated to tolerate variation in irradiance. Anatomical adaptations, such as thickness of leaf blade and of adaxial cuticle, were observed in individuals growing in areas with higher irradiation. Thinning of spongy parenchyma and higher investment into a plant height were observed in seedlings, possibly due to the vertical stratification of CO2 and light in the understory; because light is a more limiting resource than CO2 in the lower stratum of the forest. Photoplasticity in S. guianensis is associated with a set of morphological, anatomical, photochemical, and biochemical traits, whereas biochemical performance is best acclimated to variation in irradiance. These traits differed in seedlings and saplings but they were modulated mainly by irradiance in both developmental stages.

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