
Sternutatio (sneeze) is a poorly understood polysynaptic physiologic reflex phenomenon; even less understood are some variations of the reflex such as the photic sneeze (photo-sternutatory reflex), sneezing induced by bright light, sneezing induced by overeating, sneezing induced by plucking of the eyebrows (palpebro-sternutatory reflex) and paroxysmal sneezing, episodes of intractable sneezing. The present contribution reviews various aspects of the patho-physiology of sneezing, its relationship to singultus (hiccup) and the mechanism of action of various remedia sternutatoria (sneeze inducing agents). The manuscript deals with the history of a previously largely ignored condition and with the people involved in the matter: biographical aspects of little known clinicians and researchers such as Jean Sedan, Harry Shilkret, and Mo Shokeir are presented.

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