
Posttranslational modifications (PTMs) such as phosphorylation of RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) regulate several critical steps in RNA metabolism, including spliceosome assembly, alternative splicing, and mRNA export. Notably, serine-/arginine- (SR)-rich RBPs are densely phosphorylated compared with the remainder of the proteome. Previously, we showed that dephosphorylation of the splicing factor SRSF2 regulated increased interactions with similar arginine-rich RBPs U1-70K and LUC7L3. However, the large-scale functional and structural impact of these modifications on RBPs remains unclear. In this work, we dephosphorylated nuclear extracts using phosphatase in vitro and analyzed equal amounts of detergent-soluble and -insoluble fractions by mass-spectrometry-based proteomics. Correlation network analysis resolved 27 distinct modules of differentially soluble nucleoplasm proteins. We found classes of arginine-rich RBPs that decrease in solubility following dephosphorylation and enrich the insoluble pelleted fraction, including the SR protein family and the SR-like LUC7L RBP family. Importantly, increased insolubility was not observed across broad classes of RBPs. We determined that phosphorylation regulated SRSF2 structure, as dephosphorylated SRSF2 formed high-molecular-weight oligomeric species in vitro. Reciprocally, phosphorylation of SRSF2 by serine/arginine protein kinase 2 (SRPK2) in vitro decreased high-molecular-weight SRSF2 species formation. Furthermore, upon pharmacological inhibition of SRPKs in mammalian cells, we observed SRSF2 cytoplasmic mislocalization and increased formation of cytoplasmic granules as well as cytoplasmic tubular structures that associated with microtubules by immunocytochemical staining. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that phosphorylation may be a critical modification that prevents arginine-rich RBP insolubility and oligomerization.


  • LC RNA-binding protein (RBP) exist in a dynamic continuum of native states that range from soluble monomers to liquid–liquid phase-separated (LLPS) granules to insoluble fibrils [7] in vitro and in vivo [8]

  • LC domains are necessary for RBP LLPS and fibrillization [16, 19, 22, 23], processes found to be regulated by posttranslational modification (PTM)

  • One such group of arginine-rich RBPs with high levels of phosphorylation is the serine-/arginine-rich (SR) splicing factor family of RBPs [29]. This 12-member RBP family is known to contain at least one RRM RNA-binding domain [30] at the N-terminus and a Cterminal arginine-/serine-rich (RS) domain distinguished by an expanded tract of RS dipeptide motifs, a phosphomotif conserved from yeast to humans [3]

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We use SRSF2 as a paradigm to study the regulation of arginine-rich RBP solubility, structure, and morphology by phosphorylation. To discover proteins with the largest change in solubility following dephosphorylation, we calculated the log fold differences of fraction insoluble values between phosphatase and mock treatments and visualized this as a volcano plot (Fig. 1D, Tables S4 and S5). Using a one-dimensional hypergeometric Fisher’s exact test (FET) analysis, we concluded that the SR/SR-like group was significantly enriched to the list of proteins that experienced significantly decreased solubility following dephosphorylation (BH-corrected p value = 0.0132) (Fig. S2B) These observations suggest that phosphorylation is an important PTM that regulates the solubility of SRSF2, as well as the solubilities of similar arginine-/serine-rich RBPs. Phosphorylation significantly alters the net charge of a protein, adding a −2 charge with each phosphorylated residue.

C HEK293 cells biochemical fractionation nucleoplasm lysate
Experimental procedures
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