
A rapid method for purifying glycogen synthase a from rat liver was developed and the enzyme was tested as a substrate for nine different protein kinases, six of which were isolated from rat liver. The enzyme was phosphorylated on a 17-kDa CNBr fragment to approximately 1 phosphate/87-kDa subunit by phosphorylase b kinase from muscle or liver with a decrease in the activity ratio (-Glc-6-P/+Glc-6-P) from 0.95 to 0.6. Calmodulin-dependent glycogen synthase kinase from rabbit liver produced a similar phosphorylation pattern, but a smaller activity change. The catalytic subunit of beef heart cAMP-dependent protein kinase incorporated greater than 1 phosphate/subunit initially into a 17-kDa CNBr peptide and then into a 27-30-kDa CNBr peptide, with an activity ratio decrease to 0.5. Glycogen synthase kinases 3, 4, and 5 and casein kinase 1 were purified from rat liver. Glycogen synthase kinase 3 rapidly phosphorylated liver glycogen synthase to 1.5 phosphate/subunit with incorporation of phosphate into 3 CNBr peptides and a decrease in the activity ratio to 0.3. Glycogen synthase kinase 4 produced a pattern of phosphorylation and inactivation of liver synthase which was very similar to that caused by phosphorylase b kinase. Glycogen synthase kinase 5 incorporated 1 phosphate/subunit into a 24-kDa CNBr peptide, but did not alter the activity of the synthase. Casein kinase 1 phosphorylated and inactivated liver synthase with incorporation of phosphate into a 24-kDa CNBr peptide. This kinase and glycogen synthase kinase 4 were more active against muscle glycogen synthase. Calcium-phospholipid-dependent protein kinase from brain phosphorylated liver and muscle glycogen synthase on 17- and 27-kDa CNBr peptides, respectively. However, there was no change in the activity ratio of either enzyme. The following conclusions are drawn. 1) Liver glycogen synthase a is subject to multiple site phosphorylation. 2) Phosphorylation of some sites does not per se control activity of the enzyme under the assay conditions used. 3) Liver contains most, if not all, of the protein kinases active on glycogen synthase previously identified in skeletal muscle.

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