
Phosphorus is a major plant nutrient obtained from non-renewable phosphate rock, which is not much available in India. Over and above in this its recovery efficiency in crops hardly exceeds 15-20 per cent. Utmost care is therefore required in its use. Phosphorus applied to soil gets fixed by the formation of insoluble reaction products by reacting with Fe and Al in acid soils and with calcium in saline and alkaline soils. Two techniques used for identification of reaction products are X-ray diffraction and solubility product principle. In addition, phosphate ions are also held on Fe and Al hydroxides by anion exchange. The reaction products identified are variscite and strengite minerals in acid soils and dicalcium phosphate and hydroxy apatite in calcareous soils. Methods to increase phosphorus recovery by crops include: 1) addition of organic matter to soils; 2) addition of sulphur to compost or to ground rock phosphate or directly to soil and use of phosphorus solubilising organisms including VAM/AM along with ground rock phosphate.

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