
The P2O5-content of 300 samples of lamprophyre, lamproid and some acid dyke rocks from three areas of the Bohemian Massif has been determined colorimetrically. The values established range from 0.02% in microgranite to 2.38% in an alkaline minette. A negative correlation exists between P2O5 and SiO2, and Al2O3, respectively, a positive one between P2O5 and TiO2, CaO and F, respectively. In the alkaline dykes most of the calcium is found in apatite. The main factor controlling the distribution of P2O5 in the rocks studied is their saturation with aluminium. Theoretically, this may be explained according to Shcherbina's (1966) acidity concept. If the chemical composition of a dyke remains approximately constant, the same holds good also for phosphorus, in spite of considerable differences in the mode. In the course of the differentiation of the kersantite type magma, P2O5 increases at first in agreement with the Al2O3 saturation of the magma, but falls off in the final stages. Due to local factors, there exist considerable differences between the P2O5- contents of the individual rock types of various areas.

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