
Experiment on phosphorus budget of redeye mullet (Liza haematocheila T. & S.) was conducted at water temperature 21°C and salinity 33. The results showed that the growth phosphorus (phosphorus that allocated into growth, GP) increased from −30.84% to 15.83 % by feeding on graded amount of diets (starvation, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% body weight and satiation). The GP linearly increased with feeding levels (FL) asGP (mg)=−0.785 +0.604FL, and at satiation the relationship between GP and body weight (BW) wasGP (mg)=1.5991BW 0.7685. In the budget,IP (intake phosphorus)=GP+FP (faecal phosphorus)+EP (excretion phosphorus).FP showed an irregular tendency with different feeding levels, andEP decreased with increasing feeding levels but rebound at satiation. The P budget at satiation was 100IP=15.84GP+64.62FP+19.55EP.

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