
Laboratory and grecnhouse experiments were conducted on 12 soil samplesin Ogun State of Nigeria to evaluate the comparative transformation of Ogunphosphate rock (OPR), single Superphosphate (SSP) and OPR: SSP mixture withinsoils, and to determine the response of soyabean to the direct application ofthese sources. The OPR sample was found to contain 0.3% P soluble in water(2.7%of total P) and 3.4% P soluble in 2% formic acid (28.5% of total). Changes inthe values of the P fractions in soils were affected significantly by soiltype,P source and rate of application. The percent increase in Olsen P from OPRafter12 weeks of incubation averaged 44.5, 39.6 and 36.7% in Entisols, Alfisols andUltisols, respectively. All the soils responded to OPR, OPR: SSP and SSPapplication. Responses to OPR were found to be related inversely to soil pH (r=0.82). At the application rate of 60kg Pha−1, the relative agronomic effectiveness of OPRand OPR: SSP varied from 11.6 to 92.3% (mean 61.3%) and 11.6 to 101.1% (mean51.4%), respectively. It was concluded that direct application of OPR as Psource for soyabean in soils from southwest Nigeria is feasible.

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