
Phoresy is a passive transportation behavior where one organism (phoront) disperses to a new location by attaching to another organism. Pseudoscorpions are arthropod predators that mainly live in soil, subterranean habitats, and under tree bark. Some species also live in animal nests and engage in phoresy on small mammals, suggesting close associations with these animals. However, the relationship between phoretic pseudoscorpions and hosts as well as the ecological significance of phoresy remain largely unexplored. Here, to understand the function of phoresy of Megachernes ryugadensis, phoretic on small mammals, their phoretic behavior was investigated in a deciduous forest in northern Japan; individual-level dynamics of phoresy were examined by over 3-year mark-recapture surveys that concurrently marked the host and phoront; and host characteristics, such as sex and age class, were analyzed based on a 2-year small mammal trapping survey. The primary host species was the abundant Japanese wood mouse Apodemus speciosus. Out of 132 pseudoscorpions marked, 5 were recaptured approximately 1month later. No pseudoscorpions were recaptured within the same census period (3-4days) when they were marked, indicating that phoresy events last less than one night, and pseudoscorpions are unlikely to engage in phoresy again within a few weeks of their initial engagement. Furthermore, analysis of host characteristics revealed a tendency for female mice and adult individuals to have a higher probability of being hosts compared with males and subadults, respectively. Based on the findings in this and previous studies, the function of phoresy in this species is discussed.

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