
The article investigates the phonosemantic features of D. Krien's feminist novel "Die Liebe im Ernstfall" in order to establish the symbolic meanings of the initial consonant phonemes encountered in this text. We analysed the theoretical and methodological basis of contemporary German prose and highlighted the typical labelled features of the feminist literature genre (female authors, female protagonists, subtle authorial humour, hard women's fates, struggle for equal rights, fluidity, etc.) and compared them with the text under study. Based on the opinions of expert critics, the plot, idea, purpose of the novel, and our own reading experience, we argue that D. Krien's novel Die Liebe im Ernstfall meets all the features of a women's novel and contains five separate chapters dedicated to each individual heroine and her difficult life path. D. Krien presents the readers with a veiled problem of women's relationships in society and their relations with men, and also points out the inequality of rights in the modern world. Therefore, the paper investigates the functioning of phonemes in the feminist text Die Liebe im Ernstfall by means of a continuous sample and uses the descriptive method and component-statistical methods, namely the chi-square method and the coefficient of mutual conjugation, to establish the symbolic meanings of the initial phoneme combinations. We processed 5056 units of phonemic vocabulary and published the results of the most frequently used words. We have practically established that the most frequently used vocabulary in the novel belongs to the phoneme systems ∫t-, ∫p-,kl-, kr-, gr-, pr-, tr-, ∫r-, and we have also highlighted adjectives of negative perception, colour adjectives, abstract nouns and nouns of negative meaning. In the course of the study of the novel, we found that the modern feminist text by D. Krien "Die Liebe im Ernstfall" is characterised by the minor tone of the phonemic vocabulary used, which contains the leading phoneme [∫] and [r] in the second or third position and a "negative" emotional impact on the reader, the reliability of the results obtained was confirmed by the statistically significant chi-square criterion and the coefficient of mutual conjugation.

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