
The current study investigates how Korean speakers articulate and perceive English stops using their native acoustic cues, VOT and F0. Given reports of tonogenesis in the Korean stop system, the role of F0 as a contrasting cue for lenis and aspirated stops has been enhanced. In this regard, the quantitative acoustic model reported that English voiced stops are significantly assimilated to lenis stops in the F0 dimension but not in the VOT dimension. The perceptual identification of English stops showed that VOT is a contrasting cue for [voice] in English stop contrasts. These findings indicate that English phonemic categorization is VOT-biased in perceptual space, alongside articulatory assimilation to the primary phonetic cue (F0) in the native language, suggesting a discrepancy in language competence between L2 production and perception. (Ewha Womans University)

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