
In alphabetic languages like ours, learning to write requires awareness of the phonological structure of speech. Phonological awareness is the ability to access the structure of the oral language and be aware of the phonological segments of words. The purpose of the work is to carry out an analysis on the importance of the teaching of phonemes, as a key element for the development of the subject of language in the students at elementary school of the Educational Unit Fisco Misional Cinco de Mayo of the Chone Canton in the period 2021-2022, as well as the strong relationship that exists between the development of oral language and the skills that favor phonological knowledge in elementary school students. The research is based on a bibliographic review and descriptive work, which made it possible to characterize the impact of phonemes on the development of language in elementary school students and it was possible to verify the strong relationship that exists between the development of oral language and the skills that favor phonological knowledge in students.

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