
The medicinal plants are widely used by the traditional medical practitioners fo r curing various diseases in their day to day practice . Phoenix dactylifer a Lin n . (Pind Kharjura) is the most useful traditional medicinal plant in India. Its fruit is known as D ate which is the edible part of the plant. It is now considered as a valuable source of unique natu ral products for development of medicines and used against various diseases . Its fruit contains high amount of t annins and are used in the di fferent disease condition like raktapitta (heamorrhage) , s was a (dyspnoea ) , kasa (cough) , daha (burning sensation) , m u rchha ( syncope ) , abhighata ( injury ) and k shaya (tuberculo sis) . The f ruit s are rich source of carbohydrates , v itamin s , and proteins . Its frui t is sweet (madhur a ), astringent (kasaya) in taste. Now - a - days its fruit is being used in the different Ayurvedic formulation for the treatment of various diseases . It has d iffere nt pharmacological action like a ntibacterial , anti - inflammatory , a nti - diabetic, anti - asthamatic, n ephroprotective , h epatoprotective and aphrodisiac activities . Phytochemical i nvestigation s hows that th e fruit contains anthocyanins, p henolics, sterols , carotenoids, and flavonoids. Pr esent review highlights phytoph armacol ogical and different traditional use s of Phoenix dactylifer a Lin n. w hich is me ntion in ancient Ayurvedic text s . This review stimulates the researcher s an d scientist s for further work o n Phoenix dactylifera.

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