
A large number of Muslim countries have arid climate and face severe shortage of fresh water supplies for their development programs. It makes it imperative to utilize each drop of reusable water after proper treatment. The Qur'an, while emphasizing the importance of water as such, and its functions as an agent for purification, does not spell out specific rules regarding the reuse of waste water effluents. A number of sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammed (peace be upon him) about water are, however, found in the Traditions of the Prophet (called Hadith). Consistent with the general approach of Islam to human problems, which is characterized by practicality and concern for ease in human life, the teachings embodied in the Hadith on this question are of a liberal nature. In the traditional legal literature of Islam, there exists the concept of unclean and used water being made a part of the over-all supply of clean water and being used thereafter. To make use of modern technology in order to recycle waste water effluents after treatment seems quite in keeping with the spirit and letter of the Islamic teachings, though of course considerations of health, cost and public acceptance are always bound to be taken into consideration.

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