
Objective. The objective of the article is to identify the social mechanisms of creativity as a phenomenon of modern culture through the elements of creative activity in order to unify the creative process. Methods. In the study of the philosophy of creativity in modern social transformations natural-ontological and socio-ontological methods are used, to analyze the concept of creative industry sociological method is applied, axiological method — to analyze the creative result and social consequences of creativity as such, moral and ethical method — for disclosure of features and substantive aspects of the creative process, constructive-destructive approach is used in the study of political and historical aspects of creativity, when considering the creative process, the principle of systematicity is applied. Results. The studied creativity as a social phenomenon shows that in a society that is transformed, creativity acquires a functional feature of the production order, creative orientations project social development and cover all areas of production. Actual social processes give rise to a class change in the structure of society — the creative class is a manifestation of such influence. The dialectic of preserving the content necessarily leads to a dichotomy of the concepts of novelty and value, which are meaning-making aspects of the concept of creativity. Thus, being a truly social phenomenon, creativity determines the basis and conditions of human development — its scientific, social and other interests. In creativity, along with other moments, finds its expression hidden in human nature, the desire to express themselves, to realize their power, to assert themselves in the ability to dominate natural phenomena and elements. Man’s own place in the natural world leads to the formation of certain elements of behavior, aspirations in activities, abilities, aimed at ensuring the solution of all issues of an ontological nature. Human social existence is one of the sources of creativity. In our opinion, this causes increased interest in creativity in the modern world. An attempt to establish an algorithm of creative activity, to determine the features or elements of creative activity leads to the formation of the concept of creative act as the basis of creative activity. The creative act is a part of modern culture as it causes many of its phenomena and processes.

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