
The rise of a long-standing legacy of natural scientific thought is found in ancient Greece – the well-spring of Western civilization and the source of articulated rational reflection. The earliest phase of Greek culture already gave birth to theoretical thinking about the universe. The Pythagoreans are first of all famous for their emphasis on number as a mode of explanation. However, in their thesis that everything is number they solely acknowledged rational numbers (fractions) and this approach eventually stranded on the discovery of irrational numbers that led to the geometrization of Greek mathematics. This transition generated at once also a powerful space metaphysics overarching the entire medieval period. It was only during the early modern period that the predecessors and successors of Galileo contemplated an appreciation for motion as a new principle of explanation (compare the classical mechanistic world view of the universe as a mechanism of material particles in motion). But also this mechanistic reduction (through which all physical processes were reduced to the motion of charged or uncharged mass-points) eventually failed because it was unable to account for the irreversibility of physical processes. As a result it was only 20th century physics that managed to acknowledge the decisive qualifying role of energy-operation (thus of the physical aspect) in the existence of material things and processes. This article is concluded with an explanation of the significance of the preceding considerations for a theoretical approximation of the mysterious nature of matter.


  • Die werklikheidservaring van die mens is ingebed in die belewing van konkrete dinge, gebeurtenisse en samelewingsverhoudinge

  • Te midde van die misterie van alles wat bestaan, ontmoet ons die geheimenis van dit wat van oudsher af aangedui is as materie

  • Normaal en onproblematies as wat dit mag klink om na die ervaringsgegewens van ons alledaagse werklikheidservaring te verwys, só moeilik en kompleks is dit om nader rekenskap te gee van die aard van hierdie konkrete verskeidenheid in die werklikheid

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Die werklikheidservaring van die mens is ingebed in die belewing van konkrete dinge, gebeurtenisse en samelewingsverhoudinge. Van kleins af word ons egter reeds gekonfronteer met ’n besef van die heelal – die “universe” – en lei die verwondering tot vrae oor die begrensdheid al dan nie van hierdie heelal. Hierdie nadenke bevat die strewe om nie bloot halt te roep by die besef van die misterie van wat daar is nie, maar om tot een of ander rasionele verklaring en verstaan daarvan te kom. Vanself is daarmee geboorte geskenk aan ’n soeke na een of ander verklaringswyse of verklaringsbeginsel met behulp waarvan ons insig kan verwerf in die aard van dit wat konkreet bestaan. Dit is ons bedoeling in hierdie artikel om die hoofmomente van die wentelgang rakende alternatiewe wyses van verklaring aan die orde te stel – enersyds om die onvermydelikheid van een of ander verklaringsbeginsel te belig en andersyds om die inherente beperkinge wat in enige verklaringsbeginsel opgesluit lê, na vore te bring

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