
An analysis of solving the problem of education, its place in the evolutionary progress of mankind, dialectical unity of theory and practice is given. The category of education is considered from the standpoint of the relationship between philosophy, law and pedagogy as an integrated category - the basis of human activity and social existence, and also focuses on the challenges of modernity and the search for ways to solve them, faced by the peoples of the world in the process of globalization and transformation. All this is revealed in the multifaceted creativity of the philosopher, jurist, teacher Ya.A. Komensky. 
 The author comes to the conclusion that the XXI century. declared the century of education by the international organization UNESCO. Planetary globalism, in its breadth and depth, aims to find and apply a new model for the purpose of human existence in the world context, namely: the implementation of the principles of humanism, democratization, people-centeredness, multicultural interaction, convergence of the subjects of civilization and acmeological optimization of life on a global level in the process of globalization and transformation, because, as Ya.A. Komensky noted, education from the category of priorities of the wealthy strata of society should move to the status of world priorities of universal human values.
 It is indicated that Ya.A. Komensky’s philosophical, legal and pedagogical principles in the field of education, its content, teaching and upbringing are a golden fund in the treasury of the history of human civilization. His innovative ideas stimulated and continue to stimulate the further improvement and implementation of humanistic pedagogy, human rights and the rule of law. The great creative heritage of the brilliant philosopher, teacher and scientist attracts the attention of researchers and politicians even today, because it is a source of relevant ideas for our everyday life. It is the core of the improvement and search for modern pedagogical systems, it forces us to think about the choice of basic models of education on the highway of globalization processes and transformations. In the epicenter of the modern paradigm of education, along with the basic concepts of «knowledge», «skills», «skills», various approaches and combinations of fundamentals to education today, there should be a multifaceted moral and educational postulate with clearly defined ideals and values both at the national level and and international, universal. Without this further life, civilizational development of mankind is impossible. This is the main mission of education.
 It is certain that today the works of the Comenian have been translated into many languages of the world. They are a healing source of ideas, instructions, well-founded conclusions that have clear guidelines for humanity, their creative enrichment and realization. Comenius is the figure about whom progressive humanity speaks with respect and gratitude for centuries. The glory of the son of the Czech people will not fade. He is his pride, at the same time he is also a planetary person. His name is forever enshrined in the history of the civilizational development of mankind.

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