
The article considers the philosophical basis of Durkheims sociological theory, which consists of such metaphysical concepts as society, solidarity, sacredness and human nature. The author also focuses on the philosophical theories based on these concepts, which became the foundations of Durkheims sociological theory. There are ontological and epistemological philosophical foundations, on the one hand, and social-philosophical foundations secondary to them - on the other hand. The article raises the question about the connection between Durkheims theory and the philosophical systems of Spinoza, Kant and Renouvier. This, Spinozas ontological pantheism influenced the concept of sacred in Durkheims theory. On the contrary, there is no reason to consider the influence of Kants philosophy on Durkheims ideas decisive. Although sometimes Renouvier is called a neo-Kantian, he developed his own philosophical system, the elements of which were used by Durkheim, especially for the concept of social representations. The author argues that sociological realism and holism of Durkheim oppose the sociological nominalism common for the British social philosophy and sociology, and believes in the conceptual continuity of Durkheims system with the theories of Montesquieu and especially Rousseau (the idea of society as a deified collective being). In the systems of Montesquieu and Rousseau, human nature is understood not as exclusively individualistic and selfish; therefore, in society, the main role is played not by competition, but by cooperation and integration. The article also considers French socialism of the 19th century, especially Simonism as a direct ideological predecessor of Durkheims sociology. The author argues that Soviet works created a distorted, simplified and demystified image of the French socialists of the 19th century (for example, of Lerouxs concept of solidarism later developed by Durkheim). Although the founder of the French sociological school distanced himself from the mysticism of the socialists of that time, he is undoubtedly their ideological successor.


  • The author focuses on the philosophical theories based on these concepts, which became the foundations of Durkheim’s sociological theory

  • Sometimes Renouvier is called a neo-Kantian, he developed his own philosophical system, the elements of which were used by Durkheim, especially for the concept of ‘social representations’

  • The author argues that sociological realism and holism of Durkheim oppose the sociological nominalism common for the British social philosophy and sociology, and believes in the conceptual continuity of Durkheim’s system with the theories of Montesquieu and especially Rousseau

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Современные интерпретации социологической концепции религии Эмиля Дюркгейма в англоязычной религиоведческой литературе: Дисс. «Божественное социальное» Дюркгейма в современном прочтении // Социологический альманах. Неслучайно забытый мыслитель: Пьер Леру и вычеркнутые из памяти истоки демократического солидаризма // Неприкосновенный запас.

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