
Aims: The purpose of the study is a philosophical analysis of the information ethics of the future features in order to find ways of use and quality improvement of the information space. For this purpose, it is necessary to carry out an analysis of the conceptual vision of information ethics in the latest philosophical and other studies. Characteristics of the main peculiarities of information ethics as a philosophical and sociocultural phenomenon are defined. Ways of strengthening information ethics in the information space are described. Forecasting of trends in the development of information ethics for the next decade has been carried out. Methodology: The main methodology of research is empirical, particularly, analytical. In order to highlight aspects of the research problem, scientific methods of induction, deduction, generalisation, abstraction, synthesis and modelling were used. Results: Philosophical analysis of information ethics made it possible to make a forecast of the ethical development of humanity in the context of further globalisation and virtualisation of the cultural space. Ethical egoism carries the main resources for humanity's choice in favour of ethics. Scientific Novelty: Consideration of the characteristics of ethical ethics, which is at the "point of bifurcation" due to the annihilation of humanity, made it possible to outline the paths of its future progress. These paths are: awareness of the advantages of ethics; popularisation of positive ethical scenarios; creation of ethical codes of information communities; development of ethics of artificial intelligence; integration of traditional ethics and the needs of the information age. Conclusions: Pragmatism, utilitarianism and ethical egoism will become the main trends in the use of certain ethical scenarios. This will not lead to the degradation of humanity only if the quality of self-interests is raised to the stage when the public good is perceived as part of the personal one.

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