
The wide spread of social networking technologies and development of analytical systems based on artificial intelligence generates a number of significant problems that affect the training of modern specialists in the field of vocational education. It creates a need for a holistic philosophical analysis of the consequences of the use of new social technologies. The purpose of the article is to investigate the needs and emerging risks in the system of higher professional education, connected to the use of new social network technologies. As the hypothesis is accepted that the wide spread of new social networking technologies leads to the needs of individualized learning, stimulating creative initiative developing skills of teamwork. There comes a need to increase the attention to the risks of the information society and the need to develop strategies to reduce them in the process of teaching students. The process of training a modern specialist involves the formation of not only specialized professional skills, but also general humanitarian and cultural erudition. The research conducted based on general theoretical methods typical for social and philosophical analysis. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that new conditions arise that require training of a specialist who meets the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution, as well as a number of social risks are generated, which strategies for reducing need to be formed in future specialists.

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