
With the beginning of the hybrid war between Ukraine and the Russian Federation, the problem of history and its interpretation became especially acute. In the course of an ideological war between states, there is real speculation on the interpretation of history. In order to find ways to establish an optimistic worldview of Ukrainians, the author identifies the main current problems of interpretation of the history of Ukraine and outlines ways to solve them. Today, the educational sector, which is at the stage of modernization, also needs a philosophical analysis of the problems of interpretative history of Ukraine. Philosophical discourse about the content and directions of the historical process has theoretical and practical significance, contributes to the active search for optimal ways of social development. In his conclusions, the author relies on the scientific research of S. Krymsky, I. Boychenko, V. Bryansky, P. Ricoeur, R. Aron, E. Toffler, K. Jaspers, and others. researchers and concludes that Ukrainian society needs holistic ideas about the historical process, the need to form a national idea with an optimistic vision of Ukraine's future, recognition of the global concept of building a universal society, the need to integrate peoples and world civilizations, influence on modern Ukrainian realities in complex transformation processes, obtaining the neutralization of stable stereotypes of public opinion, which have a significant impact on modern Ukrainian realities in complex transformation processes.

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