
In the modern intellectual question analysis of the humanitarian fields of scientific knowledge is indicated as an important philosophical problem. The fundamental intentions of the cultural development of the 21st century intersect at this point: on the one hand, there is an awareness of the loss of spirituality, and on the other, the indication of science as the highest human value. Science, entering into the mysteries of space, living matter and the human body, creates rise to acute social, ideological, methodological and humanistic problems concerning the individual and social aspects of man. The large amounts of scientific knowledge development should be combined with humanistic ideals, otherwise it is sure to give rise to further discord to the human condition and the world of culture. Next natural question arises in the problem of humanizing science context: "What should be the peak of scientific knowledge in order to avoid further mismatch between man and nature, society, science and humanitarian ideals?" As a result, the task arose to supplement the analysis of scientific aspects of cognition with an analysis of its synergetic, existential, axiological components. It is necessary to consider cognition not only as discovering the objective truth apart from man or from mankind, and also as part of the human-species, containing valuables that act to determine the human genuineness. With this in view, we will consider how the ideal of science is changing, leading from principle ontology when the most significant value for the cognizing subject is the world in itself, to taking into account the subjective conditions under which principles of new knowledge are gained. The evolution of the paradigm of science and the scientific picture of the world is shown. This evolution goes through three stages: classical, non-classical and post-non-classical.


  • Throughout the life span of humanity knowledge which was of practical value had a great significance, and knowledge that which reflected common ideas about nature, society and man himself

  • The "scientific picture of world" (SPW) is a term that points to the integrated system of knowledge, a part or fragment of knowledge

  • The humanization of post-non-classical science and the modern scientific picture of the world are indicated in the fact that it is a person who is increasingly considered the main value and goal of social development, becomes an object of interdisciplinary, comprehensive research

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Throughout the life span of humanity knowledge which was of practical value had a great significance, and knowledge that which reflected common ideas about nature, society and man himself. Under the impact of forming non-classic (quantum mechanic) PW serious shifts in philosophical foundations of science, expressed in recognition of various types of explanation for one and the same fragment of physical reality, which were only a partial reflections of truth Such types that had pronounced references became acceptable to the means and procedures related to the object and to the subject of cognition. The decisive changes in gnosiological comprehension of scientific knowledge took place when into the sphere of science were introduced objects such as historically developing systems, and interrelationship and intertransitions between them These systems comprise a biosphere, Metagalaxy and the Earth being the system of geological, biological and technological processes in which the human species is included (biotechnology, nanotechnology, artificial intelligence,ecology, noosphere, informatics, sociocultural sphere, etc). A scientist can reach the heights of the human spirit if he measures his spiritual path with the needs of society and nature. " [4, p.53]

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