
The purpose of this article is to make available some interesting documentary material which has come to light concerning Webb’s restoration of Forthampton Court for J. R. Yorke between 1889 and 1892. The letters and other material illuminate Webb’s attitude to the restoration of a historic building at a time when he was closely involved with the work of the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings. The very extensive alterations and additions that Webb made at Forthampton indicate both the care taken in preserving the character, aspect and individual features of the medieval house (while sacrificing eighteenth-century work), and, equally important, his concern to provide the accommodation, decoration and comfort required by his client. The house as he left it has been further altered over the years, but enough survives today to explain the deep satisfaction expressed by the architect over his work there. He wrote in 1891: Indeed Mrs Yorke, I think you should rejoice in your fine old house. No new house, even if built by a much better architect than the one you accidentally employed, could give you half the satisfaction that the old one must. Never mind if people gape and jeer at its beauty, its very beauty would be sufficient cause in them. It is the house, of all I have had to deal with professionally, which it is a pleasure to me to think of. In addition to which I can — with good taste — praise it!

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