
Primary anatomy and secondary development is described for two root types from the Fremouw Peak locality (Transantarctic Mts, Antarctica) of early to middle Triassic age. Roots of Antarcticycas have a bilayered cortex with thick surface cuticle, diarch xylem, and a clearIy defined endodermis surrounded by a single cell layer possessing phi thickenings. Secondary development begins with phellern and phelloderm production from the out er primary phloem position, and is followed bya bifacial vascular cambium next to the primary xylem that pro duces sieve cells and ray parenchyma to the outside. Young roots of Antarcticoxylon are similar to those of Antarcticycas, but may possess 2-3 cell layers with phi thickenings. Secondary development from a bifacial vascular cambium produces alternating bands of sieve cells and phloem parenchyma cells in the secondary phloem and wood with uniseriate rays and scattered axial parenchyma. The presence of phi thickenings and an epidermal cutieie in both roots suggests environmental stress related to water regulation. The occurrence of phi thickenings in the roots of some conifers, angiosperms, a fossil cycad and a probable seed fern suggests this character is of ecological rather than phylogenetic significance.

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