
Background: Pheochromocytomas are rare catecholamine-secreting tumors that originate from chromaffin cells in the adrenal medulla. A rare tumor which occursonly in 0.1–1% of hypertensive patients. It produces signs and symptoms due to excessive catecholamine secretion from tumor. They are solid and well-vascularized neoplasms, as seen by radiological imaging. Pheochromocytoma is usually with five “P”s: pressure (hypertension), pain (headache), perspiration, palpitation, and pallor. Objective: To show that pheochromocytoma can be considered as one cause of secondary hypertension. Methods And Result: A 31-year-old male experienced recurrent headache, dizziness, palpitation, and diaphoresis for last 2 years. Each attack persists for few minutes to half an hour and occurs irregularly at least once a month. On examination, patient had normal physical findings except blood pressure is high during this paroxysmal attack (200/120 mmHg). Laboratory examinations were normal except hypokalemia (2,8). Chest X-ray was normal and ECG showed sinus tachycardia. Based on those clinical data we made provisional diagnosis of secondary hypertension and to confirm the cause of hypertension, we did CT Scan abdomen with contrast. CT scan revealed right sided adrenal mass of diameter size about 6,7 cm. The patient was treated by using atenolol, doxazosin and spironolactone. Conclusion: Pheochromocytoma can be considered as one cause of secondary hypertension. Although it is the causative factor of hypertension in about 0.1% to 0.6% of the hypertensive population, detection is mandatory, not only for the potential cure of the hypertension but also to avoid the potentially lethal effects of the unrecognized tumor.

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