
Seeds of Anthoxanthum odoratum were transplanted reciprocally between a xeric and a mesic field population that were genetically differentiated in adult traits. In one experiment seeds were reciprocally buried in bags in the soil, in a second experiment seeds were reciprocally sown in small plots. For most traits, site effects were much larger than seed-source effects. Germination, emergence, mortality of buried seed and recruitment were significantly higher at the xeric site than at the mesic site, irrespective of population of origin. Seed dormancy, was significantly higher for seed originating from the mesic than from the xeric population. Seedling recruits originating from the xeric population tended to be larger at both sites. Fecundity of seedling recruits depended on the environment; fecundities of plants growing in the xeric site had more than double the fecundity of plants growing in the mesic site. Phenotypic plasticity rather than population differences determined variation in performance in the seed and seedling stages.

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