
Eighty-six strains which were isolated from cases of gastroenteritis and had the general properties of the genus Beneckea were submitted to an extensive nutritional, physiological, and morphological characterization. The results indicated that this collection of strains, which included the type strain of Beneckea parahaemolytica, was phenotypically homogeneous and distinguishable from the other known species of Beneckea by multiple, unrelated, phenotypic traits. When grown in liquid medium, strains of B. parahaemolytica had single, sheathed, polar flagella; when grown on solid medium, these strains had unsheathed, peritrichous flagella in addition to the sheathed, polar flagellum. Additional traits of use for differentiation of this species from the remaining species of the genus Beneckea were the ability of B. parahaemolytica to grow at 40 C, utilize d-galactose, l-leucine, l-histidine, and putrescine and the inability to utilize sucrose, dl-β-hydroxy-butyrate or give a positive Voges-Proskauer reaction. The validity of some of the traits previously used to identify B. parahaemolytica as well as the possible difficulties encountered in the identification of this organism from marine sources are considered.

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