
The aim is to identify gender phenotypic signs of adaptation of the Kazakh and Altai populations to the conditions of Southeast Altai. Tasks: to characterize the morphological indicators of adolescents (13-15 years old) and adults (20-29 years old), depending on nationality and gender; to evaluate the macronutrient analysis of the daily food allowance and the biochemical parameters of blood plasma of adult Kazakhs and Altaians of both sexes. Methods. The study was conducted in the Kosh-Agach district of the Altai Republic. Length and body weight were assessed in Kazakh and Altai teenagers, and beside that the macronutrient analysis of the daily food allowance, as well as the level of cholesterol, triglycerides, total protein, albumin, glucose, high and low density lipoproteins in the blood plasma were estimated in adults. Results. The adult Kazakh population of Gorny Altai was found to be similar to the native Altai population according to morphological characteristics, type of nutrition, and plasma lipid indices. Compared to Altaians, they have more pronounced manifestations of sexual dimorphism in terms of length and body weight. In the puberty, Kazakh boys are significantly shorter not only their herd mates of a homogeneous population, but also peers from Northern Kazakhstan. Conclusion. The climatic and geographical conditions of the Altai highlands determine the manifestation of the following phenotypic signs in the Kazakh population: hyperstenoid body type, high fat intake, metabolic processes that ensure the stability of blood plasma lipids, more pronounced signs of sexual dimorphism at different stages of ontogenesis.

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