
Phenotype analysis of leafy green vegetables in planting environment is the key technology of precision agriculture. In this paper, deep convolutional neural network is employed to conduct instance segmentation of leafy greens by weakly supervised learning based on box-level annotations and Excess Green (ExG) color similarity. Then, weeds are filtered based on area threshold, K-means clustering and time context constraint. Thirdly, leafy greens tracking is achieved by bipartite graph matching based on mask IoU measure. Under the framework of phenotype tracking, some time-context-dependent phenotype analysis tasks such as growth monitoring can be performed. Experiments show that the proposed method can achieve 0.95 F1-score and 76.3 sMOTSA (soft multi-object tracking and segmentation accuracy) by using weakly supervised annotation data. Compared with the fully supervised approach, the proposed method can effectively reduce the requirements for agricultural data annotation, which has more potential in practical applications.

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