
Proposed system theory for researching phenomenon of pandemic. The matter of this conception includes the next idea: pandemic is showed as a certain variant of antisystem. In this case pandemic has median nature, it emerges as an interferential picture of crossing of two systems – biocenosis and anthropocenosis.A system in its inner structure and organization is showed as totality of homogeneous and heterogeneous units in their union and relations. There are four types of systems create biocenosis and anthropocenosis: discrete, stiff, open and closed. The successful existence of a system must take into account quality of its elements, quantity of its elements, architectonics of elements of a system. Together with that a system should have a degree of order, a character of order, a functional effect and a compliance of a system with its functions. Relations in a system make a system as it. A basic element of a system is its relations. A system is organic, but not mechanic, forming.Biocenosis is a definite completed complex of forms, that physically, ecologically, historically is united in a whole by the conditions of existence. It consists of zoocenosis, plant community, viruscenosis etc. Anthropocenosis is a core of ethnocenosis. Showed that union of biocenosis and anthropocenosis is in possibility to autoreproduction and difference is dependence of anthropocenosis from not only biological, but social, cultural, spiritual laws. If biocenosis can evaluate by simple summation of changes, that anthropocenosis can evaluate by prognostics and combinations of complex and growing coordination of development.Antisystem as a notion is a system with negative level of consistency, it’s a union of multiple elements at the expense of their interaction of a whole, that that prevents of achievements of aims. Proposed that antisystem is emerged as negative meeting of two different systems.Pandemic belongs to hostile type of relations between biocenosis and anthropocenosis. During their collision biocenosis has some entropic processes and aims to compensate them for anthropocenosis. Biocenosis uses anthropocenosis as negentropy. In its turn anthropocenosis has the same processes. That’s why pandemic is a war between biocenosis and anthropocenosis and median space between of them.Pandemic can initiate not only dissipative, negative, antievolution processes. It’s an existential, limit situation. Pandemic has mortal danger and new possibilities at the same time.


  • Запропонований системний підхід до дослідження феномену пандемії

  • Усвідомлено, що пандемія належить до ворожих відносин між біоценозом та антропоценозом, у яких при їх зіткненні біоценоз переживає ентропійні процеси і намагається їх компенсувати за рахунок антропоценозу, використовуючи його у якості негентропії

  • Proposed system theory for researching phenomenon of pandemic. The matter of this conception includes the idea: pandemic is showed as a certain variant of antisystem. In this case pandemic has median nature, it emerges as an interferential picture of crossing of two systems – biocenosis and anthropocenosis

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Запропонований системний підхід до дослідження феномену пандемії. Сутність підходу полягає у тому, що пандемія розглядається як певний варіант антисистеми. In this case pandemic has median nature, it emerges as an interferential picture of crossing of two systems – biocenosis and anthropocenosis. Pandemic belongs to hostile type of relations between biocenosis and anthropocenosis. Сутність моєї авторської концепції полягає у тому, що феномен пандемії є одним із проявів антисистеми, яка виникає на перехресті, точніше, зустрічі двох систем – етноценозу та геобіоценозу.

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