
In this work we will extend the inert-doublet model (IDM) by adding a new U(1)_{F} gauge symmetry to it, under which, a Z_{2} even scalar (phi _{2}) and Z_{2} odd right handed component of two exotic charged leptons (F_{eR}, F_{mu R}), are charged. We also add one Z_{2} even real scalar (phi _{1}) and one complex scalar (phi ), three neutral Majorana right handed fermions (N_{1}, N_{2}, N_{3}), two left handed components of the exotic charged leptons (F_{eL}, F_{mu L}) as well as F_{tau } are all odd under the Z_{2}, all of which are not charged under the U(1)_{F}. With these new particles added to the IDM, we have a model which can give two scalar DM candidates, together they can explain the present DM relic density as well as the muon (g-2) anomaly simultaneously. Also in this model the neutrino masses are generated at one loop level. One of the most peculiar feature of this model is that non-trivial solution to the axial gauge anomaly free conditions lead to the prediction of a stable very heavy partner to the electron (F_{e}), whose present collider limit (13 TeV LHC) on its mass should be around m_{F_{e}} ge few TeV.

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