
We present the current status of the application of our approach of exact amplitude-based resummation in quantum field theory to precision QCD calculations, by realistic MC event generator methods, as needed for precision LHC physics. In this ongoing program of research, we discuss recent results as they relate to the interplay of the attendant IR-improved DGLAP-CS theory of one of us and the precision of exact NLO matrix element matched parton shower MCʼs in the Herwig6.5 environment in relation to recent LHC experimental observations. There continues to be reason for optimism in the attendant comparison of theory and experiment.


  • With the recent announcement [1] of an Englert-Brout-Higgs (EBH) [2] candidate boson after the start-up and successful running of the LHC for 2.5 years, the era of precision QCD, by which we mean predictions for QCD processes at the total precision tag of 1% or better, is squarely upon us

  • We present the status of this approach to precision QCD for the LHC in connection with its attendant IR-improved DGLAP-CS [5,6] theory [7, 8] realization via HERWIRI1.031 [9] in the HERWIG6.5 [10] environment in interplay with NLO exact, matrix element matched parton shower MC precision issues

  • We have shown that the realization of IR-improved DGLAP-CS theory in HERWIRI1.031, when used in the MC@NLO/HERWIRI1.031 exact O(αs) ME matched parton shower framework, affords one the opportunity to explain, on an event-by-event basis, both the rapidity and the pT spectra of the Z/γ∗ in pp collisions in the recent LHC data from CMS and ATLAS, respectively, without the need of an unexpectedly hard intrinsic Gaussian pT distribution with rms value of PTRMS ∼= 2 GeV in the proton’s wave function

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With the recent announcement [1] of an Englert-Brout-Higgs (EBH) [2] candidate boson after the start-up and successful running of the LHC for 2.5 years, the era of precision QCD, by which we mean predictions for QCD processes at the total precision tag of 1% or better, is squarely upon us. We present the status of this approach to precision QCD for the LHC in connection with its attendant IR-improved DGLAP-CS [5,6] theory [7, 8] realization via HERWIRI1.031 [9] in the HERWIG6.5 [10] environment in interplay with NLO exact, matrix element matched parton shower MC precision issues. As our ultimate goal is a provable precision tag on our theoretical predictions, we note that we are pursuing the implementation [12] of the new IR-improved DGLAP-CS theory for HERWIG++ [13], HERWIRI++, for PYTHIA8 [14] and for SHERPA [15], as well as the corresponding NLO ME/parton shower matching realizations in the POWHEG [16] framework.

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