
Health problems in the 21st century are generally caused by non-communicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart disease, hypertension, cancer, diabetes mellitus and obesity that hit many countries, especially in developing economies. This also happened to Civil Servants at the National Police (CSNP) so that it resulted in a decrease in the number of personnel in the Indonesian National Police (Polri) agencies who died during their service (early death) and had implications for the ideal number of future Police. The purpose of this study is to elaborate and evaluate the health service program for CSNP in order to answer the challenges of developing superior human resources in the Polri environment. The method used is to conduct an exploratory analysis of the annual report data of Polri personnel, followed by a qualitative study (phenomenological method) to obtain information about the lifestyle of CSNP who died during their service due to NCDS. The results showed that CSNP who experienced premature death in the 2015 to 2020 range reached 977 to 1700 people every year, and the trend continued to increase.

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