
The purpose of the article is to study the theoretical and practical principles of genealogical activity in the cultural and educational space of the university. Methodology . The methodological basis for scientific research consists of phenomenology, main approaches of analytical and communicative philosophy, systematic approach to genealogy as one of the cultural practices in cultural and educational space of the university. The scientific novelty lies in comprehending the phenomenology of genealogy in the integrated theoretical and practical context of pedagogy and cultural studies. The article substantiates the expediency of phenomenological approach application to genealogy in higher education; besides, certain aspects of genealogy as a phenomenon of Ukrainian higher education are elucidated and a para metrological model of the concept of integral genealogical activity during the period of higher education obtainment is made. Conclusions . Phenomenology of genealogy at the stage of higher education obtainment is close to the phenomenology of the creation of an individual history of subjects of the higher education system. Genealogy in higher education is influenced by numerous heterogeneous factors, including those that alter the meanings, which are generated by the phenomenon of genealogy in cultural and educational space of university, deforming this activity; therefore the quality of pedagogical support becomes substantially essential. The parameters of the model of a holistic conception of genealogical action in higher education institution include its integration into educational programs; subject domain; the genealogical component that is implemented in it; the type of pedagogical support; the result of genealogical activity and the way of its presentation.


  • Феноменология родоведения в культурно-образовательном пространстве университета Цель статьи – изучить теоретические и практические основания родоведческой деятельности в культурно-образовательном пространстве университета

  • The methodological basis for scientific research consists of phenomenology, main approaches of analytical and communicative philosophy, systematic approach to genealogy as one of the cultural practices in cultural and educational space of the university

  • The scientific novelty lies in comprehending the phenomenology of genealogy in the integrated theoretical and practical context of pedagogy and cultural studies

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Складання родоводу та його захист як практична культурологічна діяльність

Вивчення світоглядних засад української філософії втілених засобами фольклору, зокрема щодо осмислення співвідношення людини і родини як одиничного та загального, свідомого та несвідомого, буття й свідомості тощо. Індивідуальний проект: наукове повідомлення з української мови “Ім’я мого роду” Індивідуальний проект: структурний дослідницькографічний проект “Генеалогічне дерево мого роду”, альбом-проект “Літопис родини” Індивідуальний проект: наукова доповідь-презентація “Світ очима українців”

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