
We analyze the flavor structure of composite vector bosons arising in a model of vectorlike technicolor — often called hypercolor (HC) — with eight flavors that form a one-family content of HC fermions. Dynamics of the composite vector bosons, referred to as HC ρ in this paper, are formulated together with HC pions by the hidden local symmetry (HLS), in a way analogous to QCD vector mesons. Then coupling properties to the standard model (SM) fermions, which respect the HLS gauge symmetry, are described in a way that couplings of the HC ρs to the left-handed SM quarks and leptons are given by a well-defined setup as taking the flavor mixing structures into account. Under the present scenario, we discuss significant bounds on the model from electroweak precision tests, flavor physics, and collider physics. We also try to address B anomalies in processes such as B → K(∗)μ+μ− and Bto {D}^{left(ast right)}tau;overline{nu} , recently reported by LHCb, Belle, (ATLAS, and CMS in part). Then we find that the present model can account for the anomaly in B → K(∗)μ+μ− consistently with the other constraints while it predicts no significant deviations in Bto {D}^{left(ast right)}tau;overline{nu} ν from the SM, which can be examined in the future Belle II experiment. The former is archived with the form C9 = −C10 of the Wilson coefficients for effective operators of b → sμ+μ−, which has been favored by the recent experimental data. We also investigate current and future experimental limits at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and see that possible collider signals come from dijet and ditau, or dimuon resonant searches for the present scenario with TeV mass range. To conclude, the present b → sμ+μ− anomaly is likely to imply discovery of new vector bosons in the ditau or dimuon channel in the context of the HC ρ model. Our model can be considered as a UV completion of conventional U(1)′ models.


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The CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has discovered [1, 2] a Higgs boson, which is the last element to compensate the particle content predicted in the standard model (SM). Though the structure of the electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB) in the SM, i.e., the origin of the negative-mass squared for the Higgs field, is still mysterious, the present LHC data on the EW interactions and Higgs coupling properties are likely to imply that new physics beyond the SM would have no direct correlation with the dynamical structure of the EWSB This might be why it is hard to see new particles in a TeV scale range. One of viable candidates would be embedded in a strongly coupled sector, often called hypercolor (HC), or vectorlike-confinement, or chiral-symmetric technicolor [3,4,5,6] This class of scenarios predicts variety of new phenomena in TeV scale physics such as presence of new composite particles which can be searched at the LHC [5] and affect the Higgs coupling property [4]. We provide a couple of appendices to show details of computations leading to the results described in the text, and some details related to HC pion physics which are subdominant in the present study

One-family model of HC
HLS formulation
Particle assignment for HC ρ and HC π
Short sketch for masses of HC ρ and HC π
Couplings to SM particles
Couplings including HC π
Phenomenological features of HC rho mesons
Mass splitting of HC ρ mesons
Flavor universal corrections to the EW sector
Key contributions of ρ-fL-fL couplings
Deviations of flavor-dependent VSM-fL-fL couplings from the SM
Flavor-dependent constraints from the EW sector
Contribution to flavor observables
Effective four-fermion operators from the HC ρ and π meson contributions
Effect on flavor observables
Bs0-Bs0 mixing The effective Hamiltonian is
Allowed region in parameter space
Collider-related issues
Typical constraints on HC π
Basic backgrounds
Forms of resonant cross sections
A The ρ-π-π coupling terms
B Decomposition of four-fermion currents
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