
In order to clarify the various phenomena in a blast furnace and its operational problems at the extremely low fuel rate, Nippon Kokan K.K. decided to execute a trial operation in No. 3 blast furnace (inner volume: 3 223m3, blow in; January 1975) at Fukuyama Works.As a result, a monthly mean fuel rate of 396kg/T was recorded in November 1981. Comparing with the result of the previous test operation in the same furnace (428kg/T, January 1979), heat requirements at the lower part of the furnace could be much reduced.Both the high reducibility of sinter and adequate burden distribution control enabled to produce and keep the high shaft gas efficiency of 97.5%.As the heat flux ratio increased, temperature level at the shaft lowered and the three stages of thermal reserve zones were observed. The level of cohesive zone also lowered and its shape changed from “inverse V” to “V” via “W” shape, furthermore some of the measured results indicated that the melting line would be very close to the raceway. In its transitional period, the burden descent became somewhat unstable, but got well again when the fuel rate reduced to around 400kg/T.

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