
Insects in the Order Odonata are highly subject to infection by gregarine parasites. However, despite the important ecological roles that insects play in every ecosystem in which they exist, little research has been devoted to the description of insect immunity. Insects rely heavily on the rapid actions of innate immune mechanisms to prevent infection. We characterized the melanization response in the hemolymph of green darner dragonfly (Anax junius) nymphs. Incubation of chymotrypsin-activated hemolymph with L-DOPA resulted in volume- and time-dependent production of dopaquinone via the phenoloxidase (PO) enzyme, with biphasic accumulation of product. The PO activity was temperature-dependent, with a stepwise increase from 20℃ - 35℃ and maximum activity measured at 35℃ - 40℃. The formation of product was also inhibited in a concentration-dependent manner by diethylcarbonate, a specific inhibitor of PO activity, which indicated that the observed activity was due to the presence of PO enzyme. The rate of formation and quantity of melanin was dependent on exposure to different titers of bacteria. This is the first characterization of both PO activity and melanization response in green darner dragonflies.

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