
The co-existence of two closely related Tetropium species in eastern Canada, invasive T. fuscum and native T. cinnamopterum (TF and TC, respectively), provides a model system to investigate seasonal and spatial demographic parameters of biological invasions at the interspecific level. In this study, we take advantage of the similar semiochemical communication of TF and TC to evaluate the abundance of adults of the two species concurrently using grids of traps baited with pheromone and host volatiles in stands of spruce. Adult TF emerged on average 2 wk before TC both in the field and under controlled laboratory conditions. This observation, combined with the early reproduction of emergent females, implies that the smaller (younger) larvae of native TC may be at increased risk of intra-guild predation by TF. The high spatial association between male and female TF in dense, aggregated populations suggests that the rate of mate encounter is depressed in sparse populations toward the edge of the invasive range. The higher level of spatial aggregation for TF than TC, particularly at high population density, suggests a higher propensity of adult TF to congregate at "landmarks." Considering the broader range of host conditions, earlier seasonal emergence, and presumably more effective mate encounter for TF than TC, the exotic TF may be a superior competitor with the potential to displace or reduce the abundance of TC.

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