
Seasonal population movement of Laspeyresia pomonella (L.) on unsprayed apple and pear trees were traced with the help of band traps, emergence cages, and a BL trap. The 1st generation was well synchronised with pear and early local apple, but not with introduced commercial apple varieties. Pears were harvested before the main onset of diapause at the end of July. The mean percent of infested fruit per tree was 69.5 and 57.0 for ‘Golden Delicious’ and ‘Orleans’ apple varieties, respectively, and the difference was highly significant. The coefficient of association for percent infested fruit on numbers of fruit per tree was 0.350 and 0.187 for Golden Delicious and Orleans, respectively. The mean relation of donor fruits to mature larvae trapped per tree was 0.5 and 0.6, and the coefficient of association between numbers of donor fruits and percent larvae trapped per tree was −0.11 and 0.29 for Golden Delicious and Orleans, respectively.

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