
The BBCH scale is employed to describe the phenological growth stages of Actinidia deliciosa ‘Jinfu’ kiwifruit. This study provides comprehensive descriptions of the key growth stages encompassing bud, leaf, and shoot development, inflorescence emergence, flowering, fruit development, fruit ripening, senescence, and 41 additional secondary growth stages. Furthermore, the investigation encompasses changes in fruit taste, volatile compounds, antioxidant activities, and ethylene production across five different firmness stages during the eating window, with the aim of determining the optimum time for consumption. Principal component analysis of the collected data indicated that fruit firmness ranging from 12 N to 8 N represented the optimal eating window for ‘Jinfu’ kiwifruit. Additionally, this study explored the practical applications of the BBCH scale in orchard management and the production of high-quality fruit. Overall, the insights derived from this research provide valuable and substantial information that can effectively support the introduction and promotion of the new ‘Jinfu’ cultivar.

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