
Phenological analysis of trees provides a potential tool to address critical questions related to modelling and monitoring of climate change. Therefore present study was conducted to study the phenology of crataegus species in Kashmir Himalayas. The aim of study was to generate a baseline data and were described in different phases of growth throughout the seasons. The data was collected with respect to bud set, bud burst/break, leaf initiation/flush, flowering, fruit formation, fruit/seed fall, leaf tint, leaf fall and fruit fall. For collection of data five trees were selected randomly. In each tree, 4 branches were selected and a total of 20 observations were taken at weekly interval from February onwards. It was observed that the bud set starts from 3rd week of February and bud bursting from 4th week of March. Leaves fully open from 1st week of April. It was observed that flowering starts from 4th week of April and continues till 4th week of May. However, peak flowering was observed in the 2nd week of May. Investigations conducted revealed that fruiting starts from 4th week of July, fruit fall from 2nd week of September and continues till 3rd week of October. It was also observed that leaf tint occurs during the 3rd week of September. Leaf fall starts from 4th week of September and continues till 1st week of November. Investigations conducted revealed that pheno-phases of Crataegus songarica were completed in 9 months 3 weeks.

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