
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the antioxidant properties of principal secondary metabolites of leaves of Prunus persica L. using different in vitro assays, as well as kinetic behavior of DPPH radical scavenging activity. The butanolic fraction afforded the highest yield with 3.86±0.82%. The aqueous extract contains higher levels of total phenolics 27.04±0.83 mg GAE/g DW, the tannins and flavonols were high in the methanolic extract with 41.8±19.49 mg CAE/g DW, 64.93±12.72 mg QRE/g DW respectively, while the flavonoids content 117.72±37.97 mg QRE/g DW were found to be significantly higher in the ethanolic extract as compared to other solvent extracts. The different selective extracts were subjected to assess their antioxidant potential using seven methods. The fractions tested revealed the yellow spots on the TLC plates. The IC50 values based on the DPPH 0.23±0.04 mg/mL, ABTS 0.026±0.005 mg/mL were high in butanolic fraction compared to the IC50 ascorbic acid, which is 0.04±0.01 and 0.009±0.001 mg/mL. The TEC50 reaches equilibrium is 39.84 and 8 min in butanolic fraction and ascorbic acid respectively. Diethyl ether fraction shows an effective antioxidant activity on phosphomolybdate assay, FRAP assay with 436.12±142.27 mg AAE/g and 326.66±11.54 mg Fe(II)E/g respectively at 0.5 mg/mL, while in the hydrogen peroxide assay the value was 26.21±0.06% at 0.015 mg/mL. The obtained results indicate the possibility of pharmacological exploitation of P. persica L. extracts as good source of natural antioxidants.

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