
The phenolic content and antioxidant capacities of Parinari curatelifolia, Strychnos spinosa and Adansonia digitata were determined and compared to orange juice and baobab nectar, a commercial beverage. Methanolic extracts were investigated for their ability to scavenge free radicals by the 1, 1-diphenyl-2 picrylhydrazyl radical and superoxide radical scavenging assays whilst the β-Carotene Linoleic Acid Model System and inhibition of phosholipid peroxidation were used as model systems. The reducing power assay was used to determine the reducing potential of the extracts. Results showed that the beverages in this investigation were capable of acting as antioxidant sources as they displayed significant radical scavenging properties. Adansonia digitata had the highest and comparable antioxidant activities to Citrus sinensis (orange). The total phenolic, ascorbic acid, proantocyanidin and flavonoid contents ranged between 12 and 58 mg GAE/100 mL, 0.00 to 51.26 mg/100 mL, 0.35–1.071% and 18.3–124 mg/100 mL, respectively. There was a positive correlation between antioxidant activities and phenolic compounds content but there was no clear relationship between proanthocyanidin content and antioxidant activity. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS Fruits contribute significantly to the diets of many rural families in times of famine and they also provide some essential micronutrients. The results obtained in this study showed that fruits are valuable sources of antioxidants and if their consumption is promoted they will go a long way in addressing some problems of malnutrition bedeviling rural communities in Africa.

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