
Five compounds were isolated from the ethyl acetate soluble portion of the alcoholic extract of Melanocenchris abyssinica aerial parts and identified on the basis of their spectroscopic data as p-coumaric acid (1), tricin (2), a diastereoisomer of tricin 4`-O-[threo-β-guaiacyl-(9``-O-acetyl)-glyceryl] ether [9``-acetylsalcolin A] and tricin 4`-O-[erythro-β-guaiacyl-(9``-O-acetyl)-glyceryl] ether [9``-acetylsalcolin B] (3), a diastereoisomer of tricin 4`-O-(threo-β-4-hydroxyphenylglyceryl) ether [Aegicin A] and tricin 4`-O-(erythro-β-4- hydroxyphenylglyceryl) ether [Aegicin B] (4) and tricin 4`-O-(erythro-β-guaiacylglyceryl) ether [Salcolin A] (5). To our knowledge this compounds were isolated for the first time from the genus Melanocenchris. The nhexane fraction exhibited higher cytotoxic activities against Human Hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG-2), Colon carcinoma (HCT-116) and Breast carcinoma (MCF-7) cell lines. The ethyl acetate extract was the most active antimicrobial against Candida albicans and Escherichia coli. Compound (4) showed higher antimicrobial activities against both Bacillis subtilis and Escherichia coli more than that of the standards. The ethyl acetate extract showed weak antiviral effect against HAV-10, HSV-1 and HSV-2, while n-butanol extract showed weak antiviral effect against HAV-10.

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