
Banana, Musa sp, is widely consumed all over the world, being popularly known as a natural antioxidant. The glycidic profile obtained by negative-ion mode electrospray Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry of the Pacovan, Ambrosia, Japira, Prata Comum, Vitória and Tropical cultivars, in four stages of maturation, showed that the Prata-type cultivar presented higher monosaccharide content than the disaccharides. On the other hand, Gros Michel-type (Ambrosia) and Maça-type (Tropical) cultivars presented the opposite behavior. The phenolic profile showed that, in all cultivars, the most abundant phytochemical class was flavonoids, such as myricetindeoxyhexose-hexoside, followed by cinnamic acids, such as caffeic acid. All samples evaluated showed high inhibition of the nitric oxide production. Furthermore, the Pacovan-type cultivar, at maturity stage 2, showed high inhibition of NF-κB; and extracts of cultivar Japira-type, maturity stages 2, 4 and 7, and Ambrosia, stage 4, showed greater aromatase inhibition, i.e., higher than 50%.

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