
We study the phase diagram of a lattice gas of 2×2×1 hard plates on the three-dimensional cubic lattice. Each plate covers an elementary plaquette of the cubic lattice, with the constraint that a site can belong to utmost one plate. We focus on the isotropic system, with equal fugacities for the three orientations of plates. We show, using grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations, that the system undergoes two phase transitions when the density of plates is increased: the first from a disordered fluid phase to a layered phase, and the second from the layered phase to a sublattice-ordered phase. In the layered phase, the system breaks up into disjoint slabs of thickness two along one spontaneously chosen Cartesian direction, corresponding to a twofold (Z_{2}) symmetry breaking of translation symmetry along the layering direction. Plates with normals perpendicular to this layering direction are preferentially contained entirely within these slabs, while plates straddling two adjacent slabs have a lower density, thus breaking the symmetry between the three types of plates. We show that the slabs exhibit two-dimensional power-law columnar order even in the presence of a nonzero density of vacancies. In contrast, interslab correlations of the two-dimensional columnar order parameter decay exponentially with the separation between the slabs. In the sublattice-ordered phase, there is twofold symmetry breaking of lattice translation symmetry along all three Cartesian directions. We present numerical evidence that the disordered to layered transition is continuous and consistent with universality class of the three-dimensional O(3) model with cubic anisotropy, while the layered to sublattice transition is first-order in nature.

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